Always try to make large purchases and that also by ordering online. If you use a cash to purchase any particular product the amount of leverage will be reduced which will be very high in case you purchase with the credit card. I have never paid any interest because I always pay off on time. If you are able to follow this wisely then I must say you are the perfect person for using Credit Cards.

Always use credit card for buying those things which you think is in your budget. I never opt for using a credit card if I need to buy a car or something because I know I wont be able to pay them well.
I always prefer using a credit card with cash back facilities. It will help you to make good amount of extra income that can help you in the bad times. Point-based credit cards are not so useful than cash back credit cards. Actually it all depends on how a person uses the credit card and on what.
Always try to keep the statements of credit cards. It will definitely help you in making a good budget plan later on. I try to change whatever there is on the credit card. It helps me in getting some extra rewards.

Studies have revealed that any normal person will spend more with credit card than without it. It clearly signifies that person has got very poor financial management skills. I have a very good control on my finances and can manage them efficiently.
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