The most important thing that i have learned during all these processes is that when it comes to dealing with collection agencies, stay away. They don't care about anything but getting paid, so anything that you say will not have any influence with them. If possible talk to the original creditor first to try and solve the issue. If things don't work out then, go to the collection agency. I want to add an advise for all of you that only communicate to them in writing and do not sign any of the letters that you mail them (they can forge your signature). The most important thing to be kept in mind is that make sure that every letter is certified with return receipt requested. If they call, don't answer. Remember, everything must be documented in writing. Telephone calls are hardly documented and trust that all you'll hear are threats anyway.
For resolving credit report disputes sending the documentation via mail is very important. You won't believe when I called TransUnion once, the lady asked me when did I send my information and I had proof that I did. So i was like saved at that point of time. Also, when disputing your report, be persistent. If it is not to your satisfaction the first time, keep trying. It doesn't hurt anything and eventually they will get the message to fix your report.

Keep in mind you should never wait until tomorrow to respond to a letter you receive from the collection agencies or any of the credit bureaus. Try to reply on the same day if you can. Putting it off just makes the process longer and more frustrating for you.
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