Anyone who owns a pet is aware of how much they can enrich your life. They sometimes cheer you up like nothing else can and help chase the blues away. However, the fact of the matter is that pets, like human beings, do get bruised, hurt and injured. If you can't afford to get them treated, watching them suffer will break your heart. So, if you want to spare yourself and your pet some pain and anguish, it's advisable to invest in an insurance policy.
The question has become very common these days, "Is pet insurance worth it?" If you're not that well off financially, investing in a low cost policy may absolve you from dealing with hefty vet bills and emergency procedure expenses. If you're affluent it doesn't matter either way. I know many people who feel that investing in pet insurance plans is totally unnecessary and wasteful as their pet may remain fit and fine throughout his lifetime and you'll wind up paying premiums for no reason. But this is being very optimistic. There's no telling when your pet may become the victim of a disease or meet with an accident.
Let me explain all of you why this pet insurance so important?
Here are some very important reasons that i have collected from an Insurance Agent:
Injury or Disease
As we know that pets love to play outdoors and if your pet is outdoors most of the time, the odds of it meeting with an accident are greater. Who knows, it may swallow something it's not supposed to or may stumble and fall. If your pet decides to be adventurous and saunter off by itself, it also runs the risk of getting run down by a passing vehicle. Besides, there are certain conditions like arthritis and cancer which are prevalent in certain breeds. The cost for treating such conditions can be outrageous. Your best bet may be to invest in a basic insurance plan that covers these treatments.
Routine Check-Ups
Your pet has to be taken to a vet for wellness checks at least twice a year. Infact i would suggest that this has to be done throughout your pet's lifetime. Even if you can afford it at the moment, there's no way of knowing what the future holds. A loss of employment or any other unforeseen conditions can change the equation. So, it's best to invest in a cheap policy to take care of routine checks and minor treatments.
Liability Suits of your Pets
Many times it happens that your pet maybe very friendly with you, but they are not the same with other humans or pets, if your pet suddenly flies off the handle and harms another individual or pet, you may have to bear the expenses for their treatment and can even get threatened with liability suits. So, the most feasible way to deal with these expenses would be to get an insurance policy.
You might have Multiple Pets
If you own more than a single pet, you'll have to take care of pet care expenses for all your pets. This can send your household budget flying through the roof. There are many insurance companies that offer discount pet insurance plans for all your pets. If you own multiple pets it may be wise to invest in one of these.
Getting the cheapest pet insurance there is may not be the best plan in the world. There should be a trade off between cost and coverage. If you're still asking, "Should I get pet insurance?" Take a look at your pet and your bank balance and decide whether it is worth it or not.
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