If you ever had a good amount of fortune which you are thinking of investing then it is a request that please start counting your blessings. The world's biggest sophisticated investors are facing the biggest dilema of their lifetime. The reason is very simple here. An alleged fraud like this which can happen anyone of us, you or me. These are the lessons here, though many of them are touted by much of the media. This is not because of the dust that is settling around the Bernard Madoff Scandal, but there are some tendancies in some quarters to blame the actual victims
The annual return of atleast 10% were too good to be true at this time. I would point out only one thing here that is how Mr. Madoff's vague explanations arrived at those results. The way he described his strategy, which involved the simultaneous purchase of stock and sale of option contracts, It was very well noticed that there wasn't sufficient volume in those options trades to account for the reported gains. The best advise that came at this point of time was that we should all turn ourselves into forensic accountants. I am very much sure here that many of the people have lost their savings here. After all, consistent returns in good and bad markets are the selling point for nearly every hedge fund.
Many people have reported much larger annual returns without raising eyebrows. Indeed, Mr. Madoff's returns were good, but not so spectacular as to raise undue suspicion. As for his vague explanations, they were no vaguer than those of many other hedge-fund managers and even mutual-fund managers. Many investors after this examined Mr. Madoff's operation and declined to invest. How that could have happened remains one of the big unanswered questions of this affair. I am sure Mr. Madoff's victims can surely be forgiven for relying on what is supposed to be a watchdog agency.
Let us hear some impacts of Madoff Scandal from bloomberg:
The best advise that comes out here is that never to invest in anything -- hedge fund, partnership, mutual fund, Check your investments for the name of the firm that provides the audit. If you don't recognize it, research it on the Internet. While it's especially hard to reduce an asset that seems to be doing so well. Don't believe anyone who tells you that you can earn higher returns while assuming a lower risk. If you're realizing high returns, then you're also accepting increased risk. Never trust a middleman here. Many of the Madoff investors were reported to be attacked by the middleman which led them into a big trouble. Have faith in human nature sometimes not always. You can better rely on the money managers, some are honest hard-working professionals with their clients' best interests at heart.
With the New year season fast approaching our attention begins to shift to gift ideas for our loved ones. For some it might be a very easy task, but for some finding the ideal gift is like battle involving internet searching, browsing through crowded shopping malls to select the best gift items for their loved ones.
Most of the people will not consider a financial services as a New Year gift this holiday season, but what better gift someone can expect, a gift that you can get for the whole year. Annual Holiday Insurance Cover is the best gift for your loved ones, family who travel abroad on holiday. This will not be only a gift for them but more than a gift it will be a peace of mind for them that they are secured for the next 12 months of their life. Annual Multi travel insurance or Holiday insurance comes in different vaieties, but in the main the policy covers trips and holidays for one year as long as holiday does not exceed certain lenghth, most being thirty one days, though their are some policies that also allows for up to ninety days per trip.
I don't say that Annual Holiday Insurance is the best travel insurance for your loved ones, there are other travel insurance policies too. Say for example, backpacker travel insurance which covers trips from one to eighteen months in duration as has an option to include activity cover and return home cover during the trip.
Regardless of the person or the trip plans they have there is a suitable travel insurance policy available. What's more you can buy travel insurance online, meaning that you do not need to venture to the over-populated shops, battle to find a parking space and can save your ankles from the over eager person with the trolley! I think that this is just the best gift you can buy for your loved ones this New Year.
Christian debt consolidation is a way for people to take control over both their financial and spiritual lives. By consolidating your debts into one affordable payment each month, you can get back the happiness and the abundant life that God intended for you. As we all know today the condition of America is pathetic, in the sense it is completely flooded in debts. Debt no longer discriminates within the families. Thousands of families everyday is digging deeper and deeper into the financial problem. So where is the solution?
Many of them opts for bankruptcy options or maybe debt consolidation and even debt Negotiation options. Christian Debt Consolidation is a form a debt consolidation that intertwines religious belief in the process. Often it has been seen that people in trouble related with debts opt for this option. Debt Consolidation, in short, is the process of combining all of ones debt in to a single lump sum at a lower interest rate. The best part here is that you have to pay less and with time you start rebuilding your credit, and pay off the debts in the matter of few years. If you are not a Christian, then standard debt relief program can do the tricks as well.
But is Christian Debt Consolidation, the best prospect? I would say not always. There are plenty of other roads you can chose to solve your debt related issues. However, Christian Debt is the most simpler, less stressful means of getting out of debt. Christian Debt counseling and Christian Debt Negotiation are other means of Christian-based debt help.
What is the main motive of these programs. It help us to understand our debt problems and once we understand something clearly, it is easier for us to fix it. Bankruptcy only forgives, Debt Consolidation teaches and saves your credit to give you options in the future. It also reminds you that you are not a weak person for falling into money problems. Credit card companies thrive on the willingness of those seeking easy answers, families fall viction to illness and injury and can't afford to pay, this is just the tip of the iceberg too.
Don't continue doing what you've always done, act today!
For more information on debt consolidation and its problems you can always refer debt consolidation guides.
It is always said that if we do any things rightly it takes a good shape in the future. Same goes for the real estate investment too. It can really prove beneficial if it is rightly done. But there are many risks involved in this business and only an intelligent player can win the race. If you really want to win the real estate race then you should have a clear vision about why you are trying to invest in real estate.
Why you should invest in real estate?
Appreciation of Value: With inflation, the value of the real estate properties are appreciated. So, after a considerable period of time, one can easily reap out the advantages from the real estate investment. As soon as the value increase you can sell your property and can earn easy incomes.
Yielding Rentals: One can achieve rental yields only when you buy a real estate property and put it on rent. After deducting the taxes and the insurance expenses and dividing that figure with the cost, the real figures of rental yield is evaluated. So, you have an added advantage here in the sense after paying taxes you are gaining from the real estate investments.
Positive effects of Inflation: You can get higher rent for your properties when the inflation increases. But, keep in mind that your monthly payments for the mortgage remains the same. That means you earn profit with the increase in income, expenses remaining unchanged.
Prospect of real estate investing is increasing day by day. You can get good returns if you actually know how to invest in real estate.
How to invest in Real Estate?
Check your Affordability: Always keep this in mind that real estate investing takes times in procuring returns. That implies that you need money not only for buying the real estate properties but also for maintaining it. You can buy the property with the help of mortgage loan only if you are ready to repay the amount according to the terms and conditions of the mortgage loan. So, it is advisable to check whether you can actually afford such a long term investment.
Choose the property type wisely: There are two types of properties. Prime and non-prime type. The prime properties are always the expensive ones but carry chances of high returns. Non-prime properties might be profitable only if the demand is increasing. So, take a wise decision.
Keep an eye on latest market trends: Though the real estate investment is always made on the long term basis, you should always keep an eye on the latest market trends. In order to secure substantial returns, you have to choose the right time to invest.
Keep in mind about the taxes: Wealth tax comes into the picture only if you become the owner of two residential houses. If you buy a real estate property and put it on rent, you will be liable to pay income tax on your rental income. So, it is better to think about the taxes before you take any firm decision.
If you really liked the inputs on " real estate investment ", then don't forget to put your valuable feedback. All the comments will be accepted with honor.
Christmas as we all know is the festival of togetherness. As soon as Christmas starts approaching the demand of all the family members also starts increasing. The head of the family starts thinking seriously that how he is going to meet those Christmas demands. Lately, Christmas loans aim to end this plight.
The main motive of these Christmas loans is to make available funds to be returned after a specified period. With these funds, one can easily pay for the usual Christmas expenditures like new dresses, party, home improvements, vacations, and many more. Christmas loans, multi-purpose loans as these are, are available for use in any way that you decide.
Get an extra edge with help from Chance for Loans in arranging Christmas loans according to your circumstances. Chance For Loans’ services are helpful for the following reasons:
• There are numerous lenders who have Christmas loan deals on offer. • Getting quality Christmas loans right at your doorstep will be much more convenient.
With these one can forget all the hassles that has to face when searching for Christmas loans with the lenders directly. With the help of an online application of any loan giving organization, one can submit his complete details and the representative of that company will come to cater to your requirements. With these loan quotes you will receive all the information of loan deals.
There are many borrowers for whom the past credit emerge in the present to restrict the opportunities in availing that particular Christmas loan. The history of bad credit is very carefully watched by numerous lenders in UK. Whatever is your Credit Score, getting Christmas loans are very easy. Stay fun and frolic with Christmas Loans.
Individual Voluntary Arangements or IVA is an agreement between any individual and their Creditor. It is nothing but an alternative to Bankruptcy which brings an individual to an agreement with the people and firms whom they owe money to repay their debts, paying off certain percentage of outstanding debts over a period of time.
Rules for IVA these days are very flexible by nature. By applying for IVA it will always mean that you will get lump sum upfront and then series of monthly payments. People can negotiate on different arrangements with their creditors with a proper co-ordination of experienced insolvency practitioner. It is nothing but a loan repayment scheme in actual sense that is how much you pay back is calculated by your income verses your expenditure. When it is agreed then the same scheme becomes the part of legally binding contract.
With the help of IVA you can also stop your Creditors forcing you into bankruptcy. But it is not a cake walk. You have to remember some important things before you do this. The most important being that is 75% of your creditors have to agree with IVA. Secondly, if you miss a repayment by any chance the arrangement then becomes null and void. Lastly, you should have enough income and assets for your creditors so that you can very easily cover the repayments.
IVA is mostly needed when you think you are facing bankruptcy. With the help of IVA you get more control over your assets. But with some good things comes bad things too. There are some minor disadvantages of IVA too. As we can see the current economic conditions which is stumbling down, the bankruptcies are expected to increase. As a result of this the fees of IVA will be drastically increasing.
If you think you are into bankruptcy, then make sure you take complete help of IVA but with that always make sure that you are quite capable of fulfilling your repayments or else you will be in soup.
Everyone has a desire to have his/her own home. But when it’s come to buying a home then home buyers always become very curious to know that when is the best time to put forward their step towards buying a home or is this the best time to grab a home. Well if I need to answer this question then I would say that the decision of buying a home should be made after reviewing the market very carefully. Like you need to know the trend of home prices, whether it is upward or downward, what will be the mortgage rate, will you be able to afford the monthly mortgage payments or not etc.....
But if I answer the question honestly depending upon the present scenario then for home buying the right time is in its way. Because the US housing market is having a declining trend and home prices are falling down like anything. However if you want then you can wait till the home price touches its lowest point or you can wait for the home price to fall a little bit more. But one more thing is there that you have to look into that is the rate of mortgage. Some buyers are not getting interested because of the high interest rates. So if you are okay with the current mortgage rate then the finest time to buy a home is knocking at your door. And in case of buyers who are worried about the high interest rates, a buy down might be helpful to work out their budget.
In other hand for home sellers who also wish to buy or move to a luxurious home than the present one they are having, the right time to sell is now. Because at present condition the more they wait, the lesser the home price they might get. So try and sell your property as early as possible and then wait for the price of your new home to fall a bit more. Or sellers who have their own alternative place to stay, they can go for selling their property right now and wait for sometime before buying a new one. However if you do both selling and buying at the same time then also you won’t be in loss. Because the diminution in price while purchasing will help you to recover the loss you already had while selling.
So the good strategy for sellers who also want to buy a new and much expensive home is to sell now doesn’t matter if they have to bear some loss, because they will have a fine chance to recuperate the loss they had while selling through the purchase of their new home.
Anyone who has ever shopped for quotes on a mortgage to find out just how much it might cost has likely heard about mortgage points. Though the term might seem abstract, the concept is actually quite simple. Mortgage Points are nothing but certain charges to be paid in order to obtain a mortgage on a home. Each mortgage point is a fee based on one percent of the total amount of the loan.
Let me be more clear to you. Mortgage Points is kind of a fee that is paid upfront when taking out a new loan or refinancing the existing mortgage. Mortgage points are of mainly two types, the first being the "discount points" and the other "origination point". Let us understand both of them clearly.
Discount Points is something that you pay the lender in exchange for lowering your mortgage rate. The decision to pay discount points should be made considering how long you plan on staying in your home and how long it will take you to recoup this expense. On the other hand, Origination Point is that you pay to the person arranging your loan. Since, Mortgage rates are at the lowest level these days so the homeowners should think long and hard before agreeing to pay discount points.
Mortgage Origination Points are bit difficult to understand as compared to discount points. This fee can range anywhere from zero to as much as five percent. When refinancing your mortgage you will be able to refinance paying only a flat one percent origination fee to the broker. This means there will be no markup of your mortgage rate for a commission which results in a higher monthly payment for as long as you keep the loan.
If you think i have missed out any point then please feel free to comment. All the comments are appreciated with honor.
We can do many other things rather filing for chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy. In many situations, filing for bankruptcy is the best remedy for debt problems. In others, however, another course of action makes more sense. Let me outline the main alternatives infront of you.
You can actually stop the harassment from the creditors. If your main concern is that creditors are harassing you, bankruptcy is not necessarily the best way to stop the abuse. You can get creditors off your back by taking advantage of federal and state debt collection laws that protect you from abusive and harassing debt collector conduct. You can also negotiate with your creditors on this part. If you have some income, or you have assets you're willing to sell, you may be a lot better off negotiating with your creditors than filing for bankruptcy. Negotiation may buy you some time to get back on your feet, or your creditors may agree to settle your debts for less than you owe.
Designing a Repayment plan with the help of lawyer is yet another good option. Many people aren't comfortable negotiating with their creditors or with collection agencies. Perhaps you aren't confident with your negotiation skills, or the creditors and collectors are so hard-nosed that the process is too unpleasant to stomach. If you don't want to negotiate on your own, you can seek help from a nonprofit credit or debt counseling agency. These agencies can work with you to help you repay your debts and improve your financial picture.
Participating in a credit or debt counseling agency's debt management program is a little bit like filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. The agency will help you come up with a plan to pay back your creditors over time, somewhat like a Chapter 13 plan. But working with a credit or debt counseling agency has one advantage: No bankruptcy will appear on your credit record.
However, a debt management program also has some disadvantages when compared to Chapter 13 bankruptcy. First, if you miss a payment, Chapter 13 protects you from creditors who would start collection actions. A debt management program has no such protection: Any one creditor can pull the plug on your plan. Also, a debt management program usually requires you to repay your debts in full. In Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you often pay only a small fraction of your unsecured debts.
Consumer advocates have also raised concerns about credit counseling agencies, because these agencies receive most of their funding from creditors. As a result, critics say, these agencies could face a conflict between the interests of their funders and the interests of their clients.
Surprisingly, the best approach for some people deeply in debt is to take no action at all. If you're living simply, with little income and property, and look forward to a similar life in the future, you may be what's known as "judgment proof." This means that anyone who sues you and obtains a court judgment won't be able to collect from you simply because you don't have anything they can legally take. (As a famous song of the 1970s said, "freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.")
Except in unusual situations (for example, if you refuse to pay taxes as a protest against government policies or you willfully fail to pay child support), you can't be thrown in jail for not paying your debts. Nor can a creditor take away such essentials as basic clothing, ordinary household furnishings, personal effects, food, or Social Security, unemployment, or public assistance benefits.
So, if you don't anticipate having a steady income or property a creditor could grab, bankruptcy is probably not necessary. Your creditors probably won't sue you, because it's unlikely they could collect the judgment. Instead, they'll simply write off your debt and treat it as a deductible business loss for income tax purposes. In several years, the debt will become legally uncollectible. And in seven years, the debt will come off your credit record.
Am I required to have auto insurance? This question is very common in the United States and you should a have car insurance if you operate a motor vehicle as it protects you against losses that are incurred because of traffic collision, fire, theft or other damage. Auto insurance is something that gives you a clear head and peace of mind while on the road. If you have car insurance then you can drive with the confidence that if anything bad happens while you drive, the insurance company will shoulder any cost you may incur. The costs could mount to hundreds or thousands of dollars in order to repair or replace parts.
Insurance policies however are some of the most difficult and technical contracts that you can ever sign in your life. If a part of your car for example is discovered not to be part of your cover then chances are you won't get any money to fix it. This is a waste because you are paying a monthly fee for a service you should be getting but for some reason are not.
To minimize the chances of being on the short end of the stick the next time something happens to your car, always be sure to get the best insurance you can. The best insurance does not mean the most expensive and feature loaded premium, because not everybody can afford the monthly fees and other expenses associated with these insurance policies. What you need is to get the best insurance possible with the money that you can afford to pay every month.
Aside from getting the best policy available, you should also sign up with an insurance company or agent that you can trust to help you when you do get into an accident. Do not just get any insurance agent or company, even if they offer the best rates. Just because they make it cheap for you to pay your insurance bills does not mean they will not hesitate to help you out and pay your expenses when you get into an accident.
Sometimes, when people get into accidents, their insurance agents make it very hard on them by arguing that they are not covered by the policy or that the insurance company should only pay part of the expenses. As much as possible, get an insurance agent that is recommended by family or friends so that you will minimize the chances of this happening.
Studies show that 75% of Americans failed to pay their utility bills on time; about 39% of people who have mounting debts or bills say that they had to deplete their savings in order to pay off bills; around 30 percent of them accumulated credit card debt. Debt is certainly not something that just happens as you go about your daily routine. Lack of knowledge on financial management in most cases leads to out-of-control debt. The partners in this financial demise are the financial giants making money out of the huge interests and fees they charge.
This is the worst possible situation anyone can get into – self-created, albeit unintentional. With the task of eliminating the mountain of debt staring on the face, most people wonder which outstanding bills to clear first. Setting up a debt plan works but it will work only if you discipline yourself to pay back the money within a specified length of time. When in debt, it has to be done immediately. Paying a little back is better than worrying and doing nothing about it. You will have to stick to the plan until the debt is completely paid.
Preparation of well debt payment plan is very important here. Being a financial advisor for so long now i have actually gained a lot of knowledge regarding the debt payment plans. You can actually follow some of my effective steps regarding this context: Stop using extra credit: I will not say much regarding this but i just want to add here that is stop using your finances in the future and plus cut up your credit cards at any cost. Cutting up cards may seem extreme and tough to follow. Many financial consultants say that it is not required but if you are neck deep in debt, let me tell you, credit cards are nothing but a trap and throw you in deeper. Once you straighten out your finances, you can always get another credit card. Cancel all your accounts that you use a credit card for paying.
Immediately setup an Emergency Fund: Many people may ask why you need an emergency fund even before paying off the debts. The reason is that you are saving for unforeseen emergencies, so that you do not have to take another loan. Please do not say that you can use your credit card for emergencies; you are not going to. You are only going to save cash for any emergency. Try and keep aside at least $1000 for emergencies. Make sure not to use it for a drink or a new dress, this money is only to be used for emergency hospital visits or when your car dies or some such need.
Now that you have taken care of the emergency fund and stopped using credit, time to attack your debt with all the determination and will-power you can muster, and get rid of it. Sacrifices will have to be made to get out of a financial mess.
Make a note of all the details pertaining to your debts:
• All the debts on hand • The names of the creditors • Interest rates • Balance owed to each • Number of payments remaining • Monthly payments • Payment due date • Amount last paid • Date last paid • Their addresses and telephone numbers • Legal action taken (if any) • If collection agency or attorney is involved, their details
It is now clear what your debts are and how much you owe creditors. Now time to figure out how much you can pay back each creditor and how long it is going to take to clear each debt. It is advisable to limit the credit payments to not more than 25 percent of the monthly earnings. However, if the debts are many, then you can extend it to 30 to 35 percent, as most people generally need at least 65 percent for their living expenses. If more than that is needed, you must try to increase the income and reduce the expenses.
Once it is clear how much money you can keep aside to pay back creditors, it is time for you to decide how much you are going to pay back each creditor per month and how long it will be before all the creditors are paid off. Chart out a clear plan on how you wish to proceed.
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Chart out the debt repayment plan clearly on paper. You can write the creditor’s name in one column, total debt, original monthly payment and the amount you have decided to pay each month in columns. Do the same for all creditors. This takes away a lot of the confusion and makes it easier for you to understand what is happening. Once you have a plan in place, start being frugal in your expenses. You should not use your credit cards or take any more loans, unless in a life and death situation.
Another thing many people do is hide from creditors and avoid calls from them, which can lead to more trouble. Call each creditor and explain to them why you had fallen behind on your payments. Let them know your obligations and how you plan on making their payments and the amount you will pay each month. It is important to be honest. Creditors prefer receiving at least small amounts of money, and get wary when they receive nothing.
There are times when nothing seems to work out and it seems impossible to manage financial problems. If you are not able to solve your financial problems alone, take the help of financial counselors who can help you with budget planning, setting up a debt payment plan and money management. There are several non-profit counseling agencies that are inexpensive. You may want to check out your local churches and credit unions to see if they provide financial counseling. You will have to find a reputed and reliable counseling service and that can be done by checking with the Better Business Bureau to see if the counseling service has any complaints against them.
You must control your spending and stick to your debt payment plan until you have cleared all the debts. If your income increases or decreases, raise or lower the monthly debt payments based on that.
Check out the video our partner site has prepared specially for all of you:
The most important thing is to take action – start now. Your debt needs to be tackled right now.
As per my promise here I have come up with some useful tips regarding saving and managing money for the coming Holiday Season and also how to pay off the holiday debts. So people who have already spent a lot over their earnings can have an eye on the tips below:
1. Instead of using the credit cards try to use cash as much as possible or whenever possible for all kind of purchases. For example clothes, foods, monthly payments like mortgage, home rent etc. This will keep the outstanding on your credit cards to a minimum level till you are paying off the holiday debts.
2. Make a chart of your outstanding debts. Put all the credit cards, outstanding on each of them and rate of interests in different columns. This will give you a clear idea about how do you owe on each card. So that you can make your planning regarding paying off the debts.
3. Try and build up a plan to pay of the holiday debts. Here first you need to make sure that how much you can afford towards paying off your holiday debts. Besides always try to seek different ways to cut off your regular expenses which will allow you to contribute some extra money towards paying off the holiday debts. You can restrict having food outside quite often, making phone calls that costs you a lot etc. Also a part time job can fetch you some extra money which might help you to reduce your holiday debts.
4. Always try to maintain or go with the payment plan you have made. Your primary target should be paying off the credit cards which has high rate of interest. Also if you see any possibility to transfer some of your other bills to your card accounts with low rate of interest then always go for it.
5. At last make a plan regarding saving for the next holiday season. A good and proper saving plan for the holiday season can really keep you away from falling into debts. This is what most of the people lack during the holiday time – “PLANNING” and due to that people always spent more than they earn and get caught up by debts easily. So when you know that holiday season is the time you are going to spent maximum, start saving for that purpose. Just go for a holiday account for next year holidays. Calculate last years total holiday expenses, so that you can easily understand how much you will need to save and how much you will need for the next year holidays and start saving accordingly.
Apart from contributing a particular amount towards the holiday account, try to save from your regular expenses as much as possible. Restrict unusual expenditures, so that you can save more.
As you all have understood well that due improper planning during the Holiday Season we often overspent and fall into debts. So guys who are currently facing this kind of situation and guys who want to avoid this kind of scenario in future follow the above mentioned tips. It will help you to keep the burden of debt away from your shoulder.
As we all know that in USA lawsuits are everywhere. Lawyers are demanding lump sum of money these days. Do you have enough of Liability Insurance in case any unfortunate accident happen. Do you have enough liability insurance from your current policies to cover your costs for negligence? Since no one can predict how much a judge may award the injured person, umbrella insurance is not just for the wealthy anymore, but a needed protection for every policyholder.
Umbrella insurance is nothing but one added liability protection above and beyond the limits on homeowners, auto, and watercraft personal insurance policies. With an umbrella policy, depending on the insurance company, one can add an additional 1-5 million in liability protection. This protection is designed to “kick-in” when the liability on other current policies has been exhausted.
Liability insurance is the portion of a homeowners or auto policy that pays for expenses such as the injured persons medical bills, rehabilitative therapy, and lost wages due to the negligence of the at fault person. The liability portion of an insurance policy also covers a legal defense representative if the negligence would happen to land the at fault person in the court room. After adding up all of the medical expenses for the injured and the legal fees of the negligent person, the standard liability in one’s homeowners or auto policy is often not enough.
Almost every state has financial responsibility laws that will hold drivers accountable for bodily injury and property damage resulting from car accidents and the at fault driver could be sued for the damage. Personal assets from the at fault driver could be seized resulting from a lawsuit. Similar laws are also in force for home and watercraft owners.
There is good news. A personal liability umbrella insurance policy can give one added liability protection without a large added cost. Additional liability insurance is often inexpensive, especially compared to the added coverage one gains. Furthermore, liability insurance covers one’s non-business activities anywhere in the world. Having the added protection of a liability umbrella policy is coverage no one should go without.
Debt Settlement industry is one of the largest growing industry in the United States today. But these debt settlement industries are permeated by myths, misinformation and controversy. Now it is my goal to provide truthful, factual, unbiased information to my readers and visitors in order to dispel the confusion and misinformation.
If we create a differentiation between the debt consolidation and debt settlement companies, one forward your monthly payments to your creditors and the other will place your monthly payments to them into a trust account, then forward the money to your creditors when there is sufficient funds in the account to pay a creditor in full.
We read on internet that Debt Settlement companies compelling arguments against the efficacy. They advertise that they can negotiate with creditors to reduce debts by 40% to 60%. Is this really possible? Lets take an example here, If you were a creditor, would you be willing to allow your debtors to pay only one-half of what they owe you? Obviously not.
But what if your debtors refuse to pay you and they were in a position where you could not collect from them by levying their bank accounts, liening their properties, or garnishing their wages. Now would you be willing to take a reduced amount? Your choices are - 50% or nothing. Which are you going to choose?The truth is - of the thousands of debt settlement companies, there are a few that can negotiate or settle debts by 40% to 60% as advertised. But they charge fees upwards of 15% of your debt.
Your goal as a debtor should be to become “bullet-proof” and you will be in the drivers seat to negotiate with your creditors without paying a debt settlement company to do it for you.
Before ending the post i would like to advise all of you that Stay away from back dated documents, hiding assets off-shore or in trusts, transferring properties to other people, or any other strategies that are not lawful.
What do you think of debt settlement companies? Are they really fake? Do give your feedback.
We all are very much aware that buying a home is one of the major and big dreams of our entire life and mortgage plays a vital role when we are up to buying a home. So while shopping for your new home you always got to know that which type of mortgage or home loan is perfect for you and match your affordability.
Because if the mortgage type you choose does not suit your affordability level then you might be into big risk with the interest rate and other stuffs. So find below few mortgage or home loan types which are normally best suited for everyone.
A. FRM (Fixed Rate Mortgage): The specialty of this particular type of mortgage loan is you will get a locked in or fixed rate of interest (for example: 6.0%) along with a set monthly installment scheme in this type of mortgage.
B. ARM (Adjustable Rate Mortgage): Adjustable Rate Mortgage is best suited for home buyers who have flexible funds or financial resources to pay off their mortgage. Because here in this mortgage type the rate of interest reacts with the ups and downs in the industry. Means you will have to accept the current rate of interest of the market. Does not matter whether it’s high or low.
C. Negative Amortization Mortgage: If you opt for this type of mortgage loan then you will be allowed to pay a monthly installment which will be not more than the total amount of interest. However the amount of interest which remains unpaid and the balance of the principal amount will rise in this specific type of mortgage loan.
D. Interest Only Mortgage: In this type of mortgage loan buyers generally pay for 5 to 10 years on the interest amount of mortgage loan.
Check out an interesting video by bloomberg on types of mortgages:
So the bottom line is while selecting a loan option for your new home the pros and cons or merits and demerits of that particular mortgage or home loan type needs to be taken into consideration. So that you will not find yourself in any kind of trouble while paying off the loan.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act along with the FDCPA (Fair debt collection practices act) is an American Federal Law which forms the base of consumer credit rights in USA. This act promotes the privacy of information on your file, the accuracy of your report and the fairness of reporting.
You have the right to do so giving proper verification of your identity. This will require your SSN. You are entitled to free reports in case of the following:
• Victim of identity theft and you place a fraud alert in your file.
• Legal action against you due to some information on your file.
• You are on public welfare
• As a result of fraud your file consists of inaccurate information.
• Unemployed but contemplating employment within 60 days.
• Entitled to one free annual credit report from each of the three bureaus.
2. Right to know your credit score:
You can ask for your score from the Credit reporting agencies or from ones who calculate your credit score. This comes for a price. However you get to know your score for free if your mortgage lender makes a pull on your report and score.
3. Right to dispute:
If you have found incorrect information on your report you can write to the bureaus and dispute it. They have to investigate into the matter if you provide relevant details.
4. Right to know who used your file against you:
Whoever is using your file to deny your credit or to take legal action against you, has to inform you and provide you with details of Name, address and the agency that is being used for the purpose.
5. CRA deleting invalid information:
Incorrect or invalid information have to be deleted after investigation and within 30 days.
6. Not updating of outdated negative account:
Seven years old negatives and 10 years old bankruptcies may not be reported to the credit bureau.
7. Limited access to your file:
In case you want to provide your information only to few. The FCRA defines who can have valid access to your file namely the creditor, employer, insurer, and businesses dealing with you or landlords.
8. Right to give consent before employer pulls file:
Unless there is a written permission your CRA cannot provide your information to your employer or a potential employer.
9. Limiting the pre-screened offers that you receive:
The pre-screened offers must leave their toll-free for you to call and opt out of their contact. You can use this number as well for the purpose 1-888-567-8688
10. Asking for damage control from violators:
Any violation of FCRA from any agency, you can sue them in the state or the federal court.
There is a wrong belief in the minds of people that stock market is a machine by which loads and loads of money can be earned in fraction of seconds. People are actually eking out livings from the stock market. Investors today who have already gained lots of advantages from blue chips look smug and complacent. First time investors often wait for the day when they will also become rich like their counterparts and the new entrants are in a hurry to make it a big someday in the world of share market.
Every tom dick and Harry is aware of the market conditions today. Everyone seems to be making money. People often think if he can do it why not me. If Sam can make out thousands by just investing fifty thousand then there is nothing difficult for me. I will invest one lakh. This is the mind set of new entrants in this stock market business.
This is like beginners buy a book but he forgets to read the disclaimer. They listen to the tips but few tips tip the scale. Technical has nothing to do with engineering, polytechnic or even technology. This is movement in the market and everyone becomes an expert.
Then comes the real fun, all these technical aspects go for a toss. Market never had any tops and now they wont have any bottoms too. Each days of the week starts to be as troubled Monday or black Tuesday or woeful Wednesday. This is a den of Stock Market.
It’s nothing but like a pied piper luring the children by the magic flute. Whose fault is it? Share markets? Or yours? Ask yourself. The stock market is not a business proposition; it is a long term growth strategy. It is not a gambling den, but participation in economy of the country. This is not a place where you can double your money in a minute. Keep doubling your money in the next minute and multiplying it in subsequent hours, days and months. Does loads of research, strategies, have patience, perseverance, equanimity of mind and skill. The day you are able to achieve this that day you will the boss of share market.
The financial crisis has already tumbled the stock market badly and now it is the time to watch the biggest financial crisis of the year, the collapse on the horizon - this time, the credit card industry. The question is very common today that Is Credit Card Debt Next Big Economic Crisis? The answer might be with you or me and any other individual of the United States. The problems of Credit Card Debt is already affecting some consumer's finances and is the reason for growing talk of a possible credit card bailout. That bailout wouldn't be for the card companies, but rather for card holders.
Federal Regulators are allowing lenders to reduce by as much as 40 percent the amount of credit card debt owed by deeply indebted consumers in a special program. As the economic crisis has deepened and consumers increasingly are defaulting on their credit card debts, write-offs on the loans have mounted for banks and other lenders. The unusual joint request from the Financial Services Roundtable and the Consumer Federation of America highlighted the urgency of the situation that consumers with strong credit records - defaulting at high levels on their credit cards, while banks battered by the credit crisis bleed tens of billions in red ink from the losses.
The Federal Reserve reported recently that consumer credit — basically everything we all owe money on except our houses — rose more than 7 percent last month to $2.5-trillion worth of revolving debt. It’s just like what mortgage lenders were doing before the bust. I personally believe that this could be the next shoe that drops in the credit card market, or in the credit markets in general. Just as homeowners suddenly couldn't pay their mortgages, sending them into foreclosure, credit card holders in a bad economy are struggling to pay their credit card bills. And that could send them into default.
Since many people use credit cards and credit accounts as their source(s) of funding their shortfalls — the average credit card balance alone in the U.S. has recently been reported to be $8,000 per person, it is much higher for many, Personal financial responsibility is sorely lacking. Credit Card companies, on the other hand, will sometimes raise the interest rate on a person’s card simply because that person was late in making a payment on some other debt instrument. Fees can be similarly changed. Credit card companies also engage in a variety of other practices that most of us would agree are somewhat “shady.”
There are already signs of problems. Credit card companies are issuing fewer cards, raising interest rates and lowering credit limits, which can hurt your credit score.
"The best thing people can do is, if at all possible, stop using their credit cards and start paying down the balances, said Kristen Garrett of Advantage Credit Counseling."
Consumer groups are now calling for a bailout of credit card customers. Proposals would change the law, making it easier for credit card companies to reduce the debt of anyone close to bankruptcy. Unlike the Wall Street bailout, the proposed credit card bailout would not require tax dollars. The thinking is that if a credit card company truly believes you're going to file for bankruptcy it would rather collect some money over time, then none at all.
Nearly all the biggest credit card banks have agreed to a temporary pilot program in which lenders would forgive as much as 40 percent of the amount consumers owe, allowing them to pay back the remainder over time, they said. The amount of debt to be forgiven would be determined case by case, depending on the borrower's financial condition; those receiving close to the maximum forgiveness level would be nearing a personal bankruptcy filing.
The most important thing right now is to strike a balance between the lender and the consumer because Americans now are weighed down by around $900 billion in credit card debt, according to Federal Reserve figures.
When most people think about Kevin Trudeau, they think scam artist. Well, he has released a new book called Debt Cures. I expect this one to be just as controversial as his previous 'cures' books. I don't believe him and i will advice you the same. He says he can help you cure your debt problems. Many of us are in debt or know someone who is so we are all ears when we hear something about getting us out of debt. But can you trust anything from Kevin Trudeau anymore?
Knowing all this, why would anyone even consider buying a book on how to get out of debt from a former scammer? Is this just another one of his scams? If this book can give me just one tip to help lower my interest rate or waive a late fee or over the credit limit fee then it will be worth it. But i was so very wrong.
As far as the free money that Kevin Trudeau talks about so much in the infomercial, I will still be skeptical about that one. Why would the government give me free money to pay my bills? They do give money to people that are going to use it to help other people - teaching literacy, starting businesses, etc. But not giving away free grant money just so you can make your credit card payments for stuff you probably should not have bought in the first place.
In the last commercial, he promises to help you reduce your credit card payments, lower your interest rates, get you access to some free government money, help you avoid bankruptcy, and eliminate some of your debts. How does that sound? Would you be interested?
Seeing as more and more people are having debt and credit problems lately, and the banks and credit card companies are raising interest rates on us all the time for no good reason, this book should appeal to millions of people. I should know, I'm one of them. I bought Debt Cures back in the end of 2007.
I want to get out of debt just like most people. I know I don't like having to worry about having enough money each month to pay all my bills, especially my credit card bills. I don't want my credit score to go down because I made one late payment after 24 or 36 on time credit card payments.
Kevin Trudeau hits on all of our fears about debt and promises to give us all the answers we need inside his Debt Cures book. The book does have some useful information about credit and debt. The convenience of having it all here compiled in one book will save you time and energy searching for it all over the internet or at your local library.
The good thing about Debt Cures, or any other personal finance book is that you can easily compare the costs versus the benefits of spending $30 or $40 on a book like this.
The average American has over $6,000 in credit card debt. At a minimum payment of 2%, or $300 a month, you could save hundreds each year in lower interest charges and late fees and other fees the credit card companies like to add on to your bill.
If you're on the fence about buying this book because of Trudeau reputation, then again, I would recommend not buying it directly from him. Having read the book, there is not much in it that would cause you to worry about getting into any legal trouble by applying some of his debt reduction methods. He is not the first to write about them.
If you want to get out of debt, like millions of other people, Kevin Trudeau has delivered a worthwhile book to provide you with some much needed help. Check out an interesting video about Kevin Trudeau and his book: I m sure you will like it.
I would really like to thank my friend Adam Smith from squidoo. Without his contribution this article wouldnt have been so successful.
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Let us quickly understand first what is PMI? PMI or Private Mortgage Insurance is normally required when you buy a house with less than 20% down. Mortgage insurance is a type of guarantee that helps protect lenders against the costs of foreclosure. This insurance protection is provided by private mortgage-insurance companies. It enables lenders to accept lower down payments than they would normally accept. In effect, mortgage insurance provides what the equity of a higher down payment would provide to cover a lender's losses in the unfortunate event of foreclosure. Therefore, without mortgage insurance, you might not be able to buy a home without a 20% down payment.
The cost of PMI increases as your down payment decreases. Example: The cost of PMI on a 10% down payment is less than the cost of PMI on a 5% down payment. Your PMI premium is normally added to your monthly mortgage payment.
If you didn’t put down 20 percent in cash on your home, you’re probably paying private mortgage insurance. Now its upto you weather you want to cancel it or regain it. The decision on when to cancel the private insurance coverage does not depend solely on the degree of your equity in the home. The final say on terminating a private mortgage-insurance policy is reserved jointly for the lender and any investor who may have purchased an interest in the mortgage. However, in most cases, the lender will allow cancellation of mortgage insurance when the loan is paid down to 80% of the original property value. Some lenders may require that you pay PMI for one or two years before you may apply to remove it.
First start contacting your lenders. Ask if the lender has specific steps that must be followed when canceling PMI. Typically, you’ll need to jump through several hoops before they let you drop it. You’ll need to have your home appraised to make sure you’ve reached the magic 20 percent in equity. Expect to pay anywhere from $300 on up for that appraisal.
If you’ve built up the necessary equity, you’ll need to send your lender a letter formally requesting that they drop PMI, and reduce your monthly payment. A new law on the books requires lenders to automatically cancel your PMI once you’ve reached 22 percent equity based on your original home loan and sales price. Lenders typically make the process of dropping PMI more cumbersome than it needs to be. Just be tenacious, and keep a copy of all correspondence. Sooner or later, your persistence will pay off, and you’ll be able to start using your PMI savings to pre-pay your mortgage, or invest for your retirement.
Check out what our friend www.mateomortgage.com wants to tell you regarding PMI :
To cancel the PMI on your loan, contact your lender. In most cases, an appraisal will be required to determine the value of your property. You will probably also be required to pay for the cost of this appraisal. Another way of canceling the PMI on your loan is to refinance and to get a new loan without PMI.
Anyone who owns a pet is aware of how much they can enrich your life. They sometimes cheer you up like nothing else can and help chase the blues away. However, the fact of the matter is that pets, like human beings, do get bruised, hurt and injured. If you can't afford to get them treated, watching them suffer will break your heart. So, if you want to spare yourself and your pet some pain and anguish, it's advisable to invest in an insurance policy.
The question has become very common these days, "Is pet insurance worth it?" If you're not that well off financially, investing in a low cost policy may absolve you from dealing with hefty vet bills and emergency procedure expenses. If you're affluent it doesn't matter either way. I know many people who feel that investing in pet insurance plans is totally unnecessary and wasteful as their pet may remain fit and fine throughout his lifetime and you'll wind up paying premiums for no reason. But this is being very optimistic. There's no telling when your pet may become the victim of a disease or meet with an accident.
Here are some very important reasons that i have collected from an Insurance Agent:
Injury or Disease
As we know that pets love to play outdoors and if your pet is outdoors most of the time, the odds of it meeting with an accident are greater. Who knows, it may swallow something it's not supposed to or may stumble and fall. If your pet decides to be adventurous and saunter off by itself, it also runs the risk of getting run down by a passing vehicle. Besides, there are certain conditions like arthritis and cancer which are prevalent in certain breeds. The cost for treating such conditions can be outrageous. Your best bet may be to invest in a basic insurance plan that covers these treatments.
Routine Check-Ups
Your pet has to be taken to a vet for wellness checks at least twice a year. Infact i would suggest that this has to be done throughout your pet's lifetime. Even if you can afford it at the moment, there's no way of knowing what the future holds. A loss of employment or any other unforeseen conditions can change the equation. So, it's best to invest in a cheap policy to take care of routine checks and minor treatments.
Liability Suits of your Pets
Many times it happens that your pet maybe very friendly with you, but they are not the same with other humans or pets, if your pet suddenly flies off the handle and harms another individual or pet, you may have to bear the expenses for their treatment and can even get threatened with liability suits. So, the most feasible way to deal with these expenses would be to get an insurance policy.
You might have Multiple Pets
If you own more than a single pet, you'll have to take care of pet care expenses for all your pets. This can send your household budget flying through the roof. There are many insurance companies that offer discount pet insurance plans for all your pets. If you own multiple pets it may be wise to invest in one of these.
Getting the cheapest pet insurance there is may not be the best plan in the world. There should be a trade off between cost and coverage. If you're still asking, "Should I get pet insurance?" Take a look at your pet and your bank balance and decide whether it is worth it or not.