I was happy to have my previous computer as well. The time when I bought that from the HP outlet, it had all the latest specifications. It cost me around $500. When I purchased that I was firm on purchasing a laptop in a year or two. And so here I am with all new Dell Studio XPS 1645 notebook which cost me around $950. My earlier computer had 4 GB of memory space and this laptop gives me around 8 GB of memory space. Wooooohh!!!
You must be wondering why my eye was on this particular notebook. Here are the few reasons for this:
1.) Screen : Earlier I had a screen with 1440x990 resolution which I have changed to 1920x1080 resolution on a 15.6 inches screen. It was expensive but I thought that laptops are not purchased everyday, so its better to have the best from the rest. The best part of the screen is that you can easily squeeze it into more pixels any time you want.
2.) Processor : I went to the shop keeper and he told me they have Intel Quad-Core i7-720 QM available. He spoke that too fast though. Since I am not a tech savvy so I asked him to give me the best processor they had. So he gave me the processor with the bench mark speed of 3235 which my earlier PC had 1113.
3.) Memory : My new notebook comes with a 8 GB memory space. I Know thats not a huge upgrade from the earlier which was 4 GB. Since I will be using 64 bit version of windows 7 so I guess 8 GB of memory space will be the best improvement.
4.) Hard Drive : It is better to have a fast hard drive than having a large hard drive. My new hard drive spins at approx 7200RPM. I guess the 320 GB is more than enough to hold my basic business applications.
5.) Operating System : No doubt i will be moving to Windows 7 because I dint like windows Vista so much. It is much complicated than windows 7.
6.) Battery : For batter I got a very good offer. When i went to the shop they were having some discount season on batteries. S0, I opted for a 9 cell battery. It means that I am getting 35% extra battery usage from the normal 6 cell batteries.
I consulted few people before purchasing this. I had a discussion with different shop keepers about this and its price. Finally it cost me all in total around 950 USD.
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